Soteriology Dr. Canham
February 17, 2009_____________________________________________________
5 point synopsis of the general concept of salvation
1. Salvation is a work of a sovereign God (Isa 43:11). God does the saving without outside influence on his own time. Salvation will never happen unless God takes the initiative.
2. Salvation is accomplished in history (Exod. 14:30). The Jews observed Passover which looked back to the exodus, and forward to the coming Messiah. The Lord’s Table looks back to Christ, and forward to his second coming. (Luke 9:31).
3. Salvation is deliverance from enemies. (Ps. 51:14, Ezek. 36:29)
4. Salvation is deliverance to the Lord. (Isa 43:11-12, 49:6-7) Salvation is not merely fire insurance, the main part is that we have been given back to God, and now have fellowship with him.
5. Salvation is appropriated solely by faith in God. (Ps. 44:3, 86:2, 138:7)
The OT doctrine of salvation reaches its zenith in the portrayal of the suffering servant (Isa 53)
The continued growth of the general concept of salvation in the Bible
1. The whole initiative of salvation is with God. (1 Th. 5:9)
2. Jesus is the center of God’s saving work. (Acts 4:12, 16:31, Rom 5:8) (1 Cor. 1:23-25)
3. NT salvation (in the sense of spiritual deliverance) means total salvation. God saves fallen man – body and soul (Matt 1:21)
4. Salvation is eschatological. There is a time coming in which we will realize the fullness of our salvation. (Rom 13:11)
Salvation is the rescue of fallen man through Christ from all that would ruin his soul in this life and in the life to come.
The Inexplicable Motive: Sovereign Grace
Why does God save anyone? (Deut 7:7-8) God loves us because he loves us.
There was nothing outside of God that compelled him to do what he did (save us). We are saved by grace alone (Eph 2:8-9) complete unabridged grace. We were by nature the children of wrath.
God saves us because it puts his glory on visible display.
The NT view of grace
Pt. 2 on page 58…… Fill out notes….
February 24, 2009_____________________________________________________
Ordo Salutis – The order of salvation, refers to the historical and sequential “steps” in the outworking of God’s plan of salvation in individual lives.
(2 Tim 1:9) we were chosen before the foundation of the earth not because of what we have done, but according to His purpose. (1 Pet 1:18-24) He is saying more than He knew what Jesus was going to have before the foundation of the world, but that it was already planned out, every detail, before there was any actual need for salvation.
Non-biblical and unbiblical constructs – This is where we get into to trouble, trying to put things into order about how things happen. There are some things that we can determine logically, however not all things are revealed in scripture (Deut 29:29)
In other words we need to let scripture dictate what order salvation occurs and not read into the text.
Biblical Ordo Salutis – (Rom 8:28-30)
You can break this passage down into the life of the believer in eternity past: foreknowledge and predestination; in time: he called and justified; and in the future: we will be glorified.
The effective means: Election
The fact of election
Definition: (John 6:37, 17:6, 20) Election is a definite fact. Unconditional election is the eternal act of God by which according to his good pleasure and on account of no foreseen merit in man, He has chosen some to be recipients of the special grace of His spirit and to become voluntary partakers of salvation.
The doctrine of election has become a theological battleground. It however is a positive doctrine, we are chosen by God to be His!
OT election references: God chooses a people (Ps 135:4) certain tribes (Ps 78:68) specific individuals (1 Kings 8:16, 1 Ch 28:5…)
NT references: (Rom 8:33, Eph 1:4, Col 3:12, 2 Tim 2:10, Tit 1:1, 1 Pet 1:1, 2:9, 2 Pet 1:10, 2 John 1, Rev 17:14) (List on pg. 65 of notes)
The NT uses terms meaning appointed, predestined, foresight.
Predestination has to do with believers, sinners are elected. Foreknowledge: (Acts 2:23, Rom 8:29, 11:2, 1 Pet 1:2, 20) a personal relationship, intimate, loving, man and wife level.
The basis of election
Negatively, it is not found in man! God did not choose us because of any merit in us.
Positively, it is because of the grace of God.
March 3, 2009_________________________________________________________________________
God is under no obligation to save anyone. The question is not why God only chose some; the question is why did God choose any?! The doctrine of radical (total) depravity leaves predestination the only basis of hope of success in preaching the Gospel. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
(John 1:13) We were not born by our own free will or choice, but of God. We were put here for a reason. (Rom 9:11, 2 Tim 1:9, Tit 3:5)
Purpose of election
A done in God should lead to a do in us.
Immediately: Initial and Progressive Sanctification
Ultimately: God’s glory. God, for some reason, elects sinners to believe because it brings him glory. (Eph 1:6, 12)
The biblical way of teaching election
We should always teach election in its biblical context.
Predestination is a positive thing, too many times it is cast in a negative light. (Rom 9:19-24)
There is still the element of human responsibility, we still must accept the truth, again faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. We were put here to spread the gospel. TO SAVE THE LOST! The bible implies that we must teach election to the family of God (Acts 20:27) We should never confront the unsaved with the doctrine of election, at least not begin with it. This doctrine is primarily for believers.
Effectual call
Grace is always in the singular. It is not only given to the elect, it is given to all. However not all respond to it. (Gal 1:6). The call is for everyone, however only the effectual call is for believers.
A guilty conscience is easily aroused to anger
Salvation provided: The Atonement
Atonement Is not a new testament term, so we must define it. Not everyone is going to be saved, the work of Christ is made available to all but is applied only to the elect.
The biblical data
Hebrew word kaphar: means covering doesn’t necessarily have the idea of washing. (Heb 10:1-4)
The main theological controversy is over the meaning of the term propitiation, it is the closest thing in the NT to that of Kaphar, or atonement in the OT.
March 10, 2009_____________________________________________________________________
False Theories of the atonement
The accident theory- Jesus didn’t intend to die. It was an accident.
Ransom to Satan- Christ offered himself as a ransom to satan to set men free.
Satisfaction- God sent Jesus to die in order to restore God’s honor.
Moral Influence- The death of Christ was not an expiation for sin, but as an expression of God’s love to man.
Governmental theory-
Christ died as a Penal Substitution, Christ died so that we would not have to. Christ took the place of us, so that we would not have to die to our sins.
Christ died as a ransom for me. (Isa 53:4-6)
Chapter 52:13-15 = intro to this passage = future tense verbs - exaltation
53:1-10a = inter core of the passage = past tense verbs (suffering – past tense) (phil 2)
53:10b-12 = conclusion = future tense verbs - exaltation
We can see that this is happening in the future. Isaiah is looking ahead to the future.
March 17, 2009________________________________________________________________________
1. Repentance – often this term is victimized by the over etymologizing error. The word literally has the idea of changing ones mind. Some people say that repentance is limited to changing your mind about who Jesus is. This is part, but not all. Full repentance covers all three parts. Emotional remorse and volitional aspects are all a part of full repentance. All three must be there for there to be biblical repentance.
2. Faith – Includes historical faith, it must also include Temporal miraculous, and saving faith. It is the saving aspect of faith that we should be concerned with. We walk by faith. It is essential for salvation, however it is not restricted to salvation. We need faith everyday. Faith is an action, it is not a thing that you trust in, but a thing that you actively do. Faith is a gift from God. No one can believe if God does not give them the ability to do so. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Works does not lead to faith, works plus faith does not equal salvation. Faith leads to works. Works are an indicator of true saving faith.
3. Regeneration –
4. Justification –
5. Adoption –
6. Conversion –
7. Reconciliation –
8. Baptism in the Spirit –
9. Union in Christ –
10. True Discipleship –
11. Sanctification –
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