
I can't kick this urge to write a book... i don't know why i've never even really written anything. i just want to do it more than anything. i dont even know where to start i dont know how to get a publisher, i have no idea how much money this will cost.... i just want to write. right now i dont even care what about, i mean i have some ideas for some books, but i dont know if im quite ready to write those yet.

Im thinking about maybe taking a creative writting class at LMC just so i can kind of gauge where i am with this kind of thing. i mean i have a pretty wide range of vocabulary, its not at a doctor fox level or anything, but then again whos is?

i guess if anything i need to keep up with this blogging thing, just writting down thoughts and stuff so that i will be able of expressing myself through written text. i dont however want to write down any of my ideas online because you just never know. maybe ill just open up notepad and start outlining, i think i do need somemore research for the first one im thinking about however....

Another thing that i would like to do is learn c++ i can also take a class of that at LMC, i think it comes in a two part series also. maybe ill just stick with HTML for right now and do some revamping on the blog page. i need to figure out a way to get this out there and have a following so that when i do write a book i will at least have a couple of people who would buy it, maybe i should research how to get blogs known.... or if this is even the site for it.

I think i always leaned toward to math and science stuff in school because it always interested me, i was always facinated with being able to see how things work and solve problems. I always tried to stay away from the whole writing thing though and im not really sure why, i think its because book reports never interested me. i like writing essays though in fact im even pretty good at it. And the great part about writing, is that you can write about math and science and how things work. or you can just make up alot of nonsense like Rowling and make millions.

See and this is the weird part for me, i dont want to write a book because i want to make money, in fact untill this very moment i hadnt even thought about the whole money thing, i want to write simply because i want to write. its the same reason i play the guitar, i dont do it with the intention of making money, i do it because i love it. maybe that means im onto something? who knows.

One thing i do know is that i have alot of thinking and formulation time during the day at work. I would dare even say that i have gone slightly crazy in my little prison cell at work and this has lead to me wanting to express myself through writing. I have always looked at my guitar as a type of second "mouth" in which i could talk, maybe now im just developing a third, through the use of a pen or rather a keyboard.

i feel like i could probably go on all night with this rambling, im just sitting here in the dark its 1:15 in the morning and im listening to tony rice... scary yes my music of choice: bluegrass.. anyway it is late and i have some much needed worshiping and learning to do in the morning at church and i think it best that i be alert and awake during that i time. So probably best i get some sleep.



do i need a pin name? or maybe a cool sig? probably not a pin name.. but i could see a sig like C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien... maybe P.W. Wade? or P. Wesley Wade? or maybe Wes Wade jr. or maybe just Wes Wade? that'll probably be it.. maybe someday it could read Dr. Patrick Wesley Wade Jr. Ph.D.

gnight for real this time

Wes Wade (high school diploma)