The Logical Gospel


If one is going to argue creation and the God of the Bible he must presuppose faith. For faith is the basis of our belief. Belief in anything, be it evolution, or creation. I am going to argue the fact that believing in the bible is logical, and that a Christian does not sacrifice logic in order to satiate his inner longing for meaning.

The main premise of the Bible is that man is inherently evil and that God is perfectly righteous. This brings about the need for a savior, One who can come and allow man to commune with God. God cannot be around sin, doing so would go against his very nature. God however did not create sin, he wanted a people who would commune with him on their own free will. This implies that in order to have free will one must have the opportunity to freely choose the opposite of what is intended; which means that God created the opportunity for sin to exist.

In the beginning, man chose to not follow God's command (exercised free will) thus allowing for sin to enter the world. Because God cannot be around sin this one act against God created a void between man and God. Looking at the fact that God created beings that he wanted to freely choose him denotes the reasoning for needing a savior. Even though man had sinned and could now not have free communion with God, God still longed for that communion.

Continuing on with the logical flow... If all had fallen short of the glory of God, who other than God himself could be the redeeming sacrifice for the sins of his people? No one. God created time itself, and thus he lives outside of time and space. Because of this he is not limited to the dimensions that our beings are bound to. God is a triune God (also known as the trinity) Meaning he is three. Separate in nature yet the same in being. All have different roles as God yet all are God.(A good example, at the risk of being infinitesimally too simplistic--as many books have been written on the single subject--is an egg: one yolk, one white, one shell, yet still one egg).

Jesus, one of the forms in the Godhead, is known as the son of God because of the role he plays. He was chosen as the one would would be sent down to earth to be the redeeming sacrifice. He was not forced or persuaded to do so, yet offered himself as the living sacrifice because of his love for his people. In coming to earth Jesus took on the form of a man both physically and spiritually, laying aside his deity. He lived a perfect life (meaning there was no sin in him) and thus was able to be our scapegoat. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission. Jesus came in order that after living a perfect life he would be offered up as the precious lamb (precious lamb- a symbol in jewish tradition, which was slaughtered to be a temporary sin covering) who would be our eternal sacrifice. Jesus became the propitiation for the sins of the world, meaning that he was the appeasement of the wrath that God has against sin.

Because Jesus' work on the cross was done freely and offered freely, all one must do is believe that his work was done for you and trust that when you die, Jesus' blood offering is all you need to be able to have eternal communion with the triune God. However those who don't accept Jesus' saving work on the cross are subject to eternal separation from God, hell, the absence of God. Not because God has a blood lust, or because he enjoys it; because of his nature and the fact that he cannot be around sin. When this universe is eventually destroyed and a perfect sin free one is created, those who did not accept Jesus' free offering will be subject to the wrath which the sacrifice satiates.

So in conclusion God created us for fellowship with him, We fell away (we sinned) and because of Jesus' work at the cross it is our choice to repent.