Blackberry dig


What up holmes
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My first blackberry post


Hey just checking to see if this works, hopefully because it would be completely awesome.

Don't really kniw what to say just wanted to find out if this worked...
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random thought of the day


SO you know its only been like you know half a year since my last post. Thats not bad right...

Lately i've been really wanting to write a book, but i dont really know what on or yeah really anything about it. I just want to. Grant wants to also, he's wanting to write like a textbook style book, where as I could see myself writting a fiction something. Although we do want to write one together, so if somehow we could combine our efforts and make some sort of a psychology textbook/ theology fiction/ fantasy/ scifi book, it would be sweet and more than likely the first, and only of its kind.

I mean writting a book couldnt be that hard could it? i can knock out like 5 pages a night if i wanted, and if it was fiction im sure i could do it like tolkien and just start without an outline one day and end up writting the best selling book of all time next to the bible.

I am however finding the importance of making an outline.... which ive never been fond of. I have to do it for Dr. Fox's class, only problem is that i always make it after i finish my paper lol... NOw if i could do it first and actually have a well formatted essay i might be able to hit in the 98/99 range where i would rather be.

Which puts my on a random rant... Call me crazy but i dont like 95 %, i just dont i can do better than 95, its not an A- its not an A+ its just an A. I want 100%..... its my own fault anyway oh well

So back to the book topic.... no lets not i dont really know what else to say about that.


i guess thats all for now. i wont leave this place to long this time hopefully.. I know! i'll link it on facebook! that way i'll maybe look at it occasionally. Sometimes i amaze myself..